Havaianas Flip Flops

Havaianas Flip-flops Style Natural Rubber Based Picnic Premium Quality Slippers

Havaianas slippers are good quality flip flops. Havaianas Quality slippers are arguably made from synthetic rubber giving it a tighter rubber kind of feeling. There are numerous kinds of flip flops and few are natural rubber based flip flops. Our Picnic silk screen printed flip flops are made from “Pure Natural Rubber with a blend of EVA” and the style is getting popular among youth. Customer these days prefer natural rubber based flip-flops and alternative option for Havaianas would be Picnic Flip flops. Our Picnic Flip-flops are premium quality natural rubber slippers available for bulk purchase. Manufactured in Thailand and gaining momentum mainly in South East Asia and Middle East. Bulk importer are welcome to try our brand of slippers

Our collection of Havaianas Quality Natural Rubber and EVA Picnic Silk Screened Slippers.

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